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  Internet Explorer 5.01 Reviewed
Internet Explorer 5.01 (build 5.00.2919.6307 or 1963.07; Figure 1) is a point-release upgrade to IE 5.0 which fixes numerous security problems and other bugs while offering a number of other small changes (Figure 2). For me personally, IE 5.01 is a partial vindication of my complaints about IE 5.0, as Microsoft has fixed some problems that I've been complaining about since 1997. But IE 5.01, as a minor upgrade to IE 5.0, is not dramatically different from its predecessor. Visually, the two products are almost identical.

Incidentally, IE 5.01 is the version of Internet Explorer that will ship in Windows 2000 (as build 5.00.2920.0000 or 2000, go figure) when it's released in February.

Changes to Internet Explorer 5.01
Microsoft has partially fixed the "new window" bug in Internet Explorer 5.0 so that new windows open at the same size as the IE window that preceded them. In IE 5.0, this functionality was hopelessly broken and new browser windows would open willy-nilly on the screen in bizarre sizes. If I had my way, IE windows would open at the same size and same position as the window that preceded them, but