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  Microsoft Office 2000 Service Release 1 (SR-1) Reviewed
Almost a year after the release of Office 2000 (see my review), Microsoft has finally issued the first service release for the product, imaginatively dubbed Office 2000 Service Release 1 (SR-1). SR-1 includes a number of bug fixes to the popular Office suite, including some previously available fixes. Microsoft recommends that all Office 2000 users update their systems to SR-1 and I agree; the company is even changing the retail Office products to include the SR-1 updates. And because this upgrade is free and fixes a host of bugs, its a no-brainer.

In this review, I take a look at the changes you can expect in Office 2000 SR-1 and, in particular, the experience you're likely to have performing the upgrade.

What's new in Office 2000 SR-1
All of the changes in Office 2000 SR-1 fix existing bugs or are designed to make it easier to deploy Office, especially in a Windows 2000 environment. As such, all of the system components in Office are upgraded to Windows 2000 levels in SR-1, including Internet Explorer, which is upgraded to version 5.01 if required.