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  Top 10 reasons why Windows 2000 Professional is better than Windows 98 Reviewed
I spent a full week in mid-November locked in the mire of Windows 98 because we were going to use USB-based MP3 audio recorders at Comdex Fall 99 and Windows 2000 didn't support the devices we had acquired. So I installed Windows 98 SE on my trusty laptop and loaded up all the apps I use regularly. The weekend before the show, however, we decided to can that idea and just take notes like the old days, but by that time I was ready to rip Windows 98 off my system for good anyway: After using Windows 2000 Professional for more six straight months now, I've come to love the little improvements it brings to the Windows user interface. So after a week with Windows 98, I came up with this list of things I missed most from Windows 2000. This stuff if purely user interface related, from a user's standpoint; I don't discuss esoteric topics such as the NT kernel or whatever. But when it comes to actually using Windows, this where Windows 2000 Professional really kicks butt.

So, in the grand tradition of David Letterman, here is the top 10 reasons that Windows 2000 is better than Windows 98:

10. Global folder options
This is the sort of "set it and forget it" stuff I love. I don't want Web view, ever. In Windows 98,