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  Windows 98 Second Edition Reviewed

Windows 98 users can order the Windows 98 SE Updates CD-ROM for only $19.95!

Windows 98 arrived in June 1998 and quickly became Microsoft's operating system volume leader, surpassing the sales of Windows 95 during a similar timeframe in its life-cycle. Though Windows 98 wasn't a major upgrade to Windows 95, it fixed virtually every problem with its predecessor while adding a host of new features that made it a compelling upgrade for almost any Windows user. I covered Windows 98 in an extensive review over a year ago, so I won't be going over any of the features that carried over in this review: Please refer to my Windows 98 review before continuing. 

Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) picks up where Windows 98 left off, with new Internet related features--such as the bundling of Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Connection Sharing--while providing a host of bug fixes and support for new types of hardware. So Windows 98 SE isn't dramatically different from Windows 98, but then that's the point: