Using the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools, A Windows 2000 technology showcase
Beginning back in the early days of Windows NT, Microsoft has always
offered a Resource Kit (RK) to supplement each of its enterprise
operating systems. Resource Kits are designed to augment the tools found
in Windows NT with a wider range of tools. Historically, many of these
tools have been command line oriented, offering scriptable and
event-driven execution but no pretty face. For Windows 2000, Microsoft is
preparing a new Resource Kit that contains some old favorites, some nice
improvements, and some totally new tools that take advantage of new
Windows 2000 features such as Active Directory. And like previous
editions of the RK, you'll need to be comfortable with the command line
to truly take advantage of this package.
For purposes of this overview, I'm looking at the Resource Kit Support
Tools, a subset of the full Resource Kit that will ship this Fall.
Resource Kit Setup
The Windows 2000 Resource Kit, predictably, use a Windows Installer setup
program that works nicely. Though there are options for a custom install,
the only option is to setup the whole thing or not set it up at all (Figure
1). I